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Our Last Week….

It doesn’t seem possible that’s we only have one more week of warm, sunny days before we head home to the extremely rainy, cooler days in Wilmore.  Our time here has, again, been very enjoyable and relaxing.  January was a bust, as far as any beach time, but February has more than made up for it.  It was 90 yesterday and too hot to sit at the beach…we went but only stayed 1 1/2 hours and the sand was to hot to even walk on.  Somehow, we managed to skip the spring like days and headed right into summer.  Regardless, every day has been good and I feel so blessed to have been here for these last couple of months.

We are looking forward to seeing Jerre, Rita, and all others for our day in Dallas on March 6th & 7th.  I sure hope our flights will be a lot better than Melissa had on her trip back from California…she got to spend the night in the DFW airport.  AA cancelled the flight into Louisville so she ended up in Cincinnati and had to drive home from there.  She wasn’t a happy camper about it but did manage to survive.  I love her silly picture on FB of her trying to stay warm.  It makes me laugh every time it pops up.

Jerod is having a great time in Chili this semester and getting to see lots of the surrounding countries while “in the neighborhood”.  Meredith had a bad tumble while out jogging and ended up at the urgent care facility with a broken thumb, scrapped hands and knees, of which one became infected.  Another reason for not jogging, in my book!  Kyle is doing great as an intern with the Bowling Green PD and, I’m sure, learning lots of stuff.  As for all others…NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS.

We enjoyed having Carter and Lori for a few days and the weather was near perfect the entire time they were here.  They love the pool and/or beach so they are easy to entertain.

Guess that’s about it for now.  Stay dry and we’ll be thinking of you all as we enjoy this last week in “paradise”.  Love to you all.



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