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We were two of hundreds that enjoyed the pancake breakfast this morning at the Methodist Church in Englewood.  That’s the largest crowd we’ve ever seen there and the crowd looked happy and excited about being there this cool, rainy morning!  Could it be the $3 price tag or is it the “Geezerville” crafts that draws them in?  You need to check George’s site for pictures…you’ll be so sad you won’t be getting any of them.  Go to and see what these sweet ladies spend hours making.

 We had some sad news this morning and I’d ask you pray for this family.  Our daughter-in-law Vanessa got word that her 17 year old nephew had been killed in an accident early this morning.  Of course, the family is crushed!  His name was Jonathan Holt.  Vanessa was to leave Louisville today, along with her parents, and drive to Port Arthur, TX. which is a really long haul…down by Corpus Christi.  This will be a most difficult trip.

We’re going out to dinner with Bob and Carla this evening and that should be fun.  Reckon we’ll have fish AGAIN!  That’s on all the menu’s here but I can usually find something in chicken or beef, so I’m surviving.  Of course, shrimp and lobster is always a good choice but not always affordable…lobster is the big ticket item!  It’s still delicious and not just because it’s an expensive meat.

Again, please pray for Vanessa and Clark and all their family during this tragic time.Â