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Getting closer….

I know I seldom write on here now that we all check on FB to see what’s going on, and for that, I’m sorry. Our lives do stay busy but I’m really not so busy every week I can’t take a few minutes to post something. Life is all but exciting and that’s a good thing. Right?

We are very sad that both Allison and Vanessa lost their father’s this month. Both Don and Dwayne were ready and that was their desire but, the heart strings were sure pulled when they left. Allison and Vanessa are both exhausted from taking care of their dad’s but they both had the love to do all they could to make them comfortable until the very end. When we love deep, we grieve deep so take time to rest and accept your new normal.

It is just a little over a month and we’ll be headed to Florida. We are really looking forward to seeing all our friends, and acquaintances there, and making many more good memories. We have really become fond of our months in Venice and know the months are limited due to our getting older. Now to get Kyle and Gabby’s baby to arrive before we leave will make it all perfect.

George and I are doing well and life is treating us well, most days. The days, currently, are near perfect with lots of sunshine and decent temperatures, but the cold of winter is tapping on the door and will be here soon. We still do our walks most days, porch time is getting limited, and many still stop by to interact with us. We feel very fortunate and blessed to be able to enjoy the different nationalities, etc. that cross our path, and porch, most every day.

Guess that’s it for now. Stay warm, well, and content. I love all that might still check on me through this avenue…even if it is a seldom occurrence.


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