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March is here…

It has been a month + one day since I blogged and I have little to write about.  We finished up our 10 weeks of being in Venice, Florida and we had such a great time while there.  We had some days that were rather cool but none that you’d say were really cold.  We got in quite a bit of beach time, bought most of our groceries on line and had them delivered, cooked a lot, did some carry out meals, and actually ate outside, at a very respectfully social distance, three different times.  The times we got together with friends would be outside and usually at the beach.  We are going to be there three months next year and looking forward to spending time with all our friends fron there.

We were able to get our first COVID vaccination shot the day after we got home.  Thankfully, we had no real side affects…my arm was sore but that was all.  We’ll be fully vaccinated by the end of March and hoping we won’t react then either.  That’s not likely from what I hear, but a girl can hope.

Winter in Kentucky was pretty awful but spring appears as if it’s coming on in earlier than normal.  I cleaned out all the flower beds today and the plants are already starting to sprout its new growth.  Therefore, I take that as an indicator of spring coming on in.  I’m sure hoping there won’t be anymore winter as that’s my least favorite season.  I may have to get back to the short sleeve shirts and shorts because I got really hot while walking today.  Jeans and long sleeve shirts are not the right clothing when it’s 70 degrees out.

Have a great week, stay well, and know you are loved by me.



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