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What a difference a week makes…

A week ago today, I was sitting in the ER with George waiting for him to be admitted to the hospital. His heart rate had consistently gotten slower and slower…32 beats per minute…and he was told he needed a pacemaker. Normally a person on all the medicine he’s on would have to wait for a while so their blood thinners could be out of their system. There was no waiting for George so he was scheduled, and received, a pacemaker on Tuesday the 3rd.

The pacemaker he’s received is put directly into the heart through the groin and has no wires coming from it. His recovery time has consisted of 3 days of “do nothing but rest” and one week of no lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk. So next week he’ll be back to doing anything he’s able to do and he really does feel so much better. His coloring is back to normal and his disposition is better….again, most of the time but there are still moments. lol.

We are looking forward to Tyler’s college graduation on the 13th and then we’ll celebrate George’s 80th birthday on the 14th. It’s so hard to feel like we’re that old, but we are. We’ve been a couple since we were 18 years old and we’re celebrating 60 years of marriage in June. Again…how is that even possible? The kids are planning a big party to celebrate us and we are so looking forward to seeing all of them together. It’s been five years since that’s happen.

Spring has FINALLY arrived and I do believe it’s here to stay. Derby weekend was last week and it was a miserably very cool, rainy day: but, the Derby Race will always be remembered as one of the best ever at the Downs. Since moving away from Louisville, we have not enjoyed any of the month long Derby events or activities, and I miss them.

I’ve got all my spring flowers planted and things are really beautiful in central Kentucky for now.. Of course, when summer takes over they won’t be so pretty. We’ve had the perfect amount of rain with the cooler days to give all the plants a good start. I love warm weather so I’m more than ready for cold days to stay away.

Guess that’s enough for now. Have a great week and love to any one reading this.


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